Elder Lyon:
That we have the book today is proof of it's existence. It is either a book that was translated from an ancient record by Joseph Smith through the gift and power of God, or it was totally fabricated and written by him. It is either one or the other, there is no middle ground. It is either true or it is false.
If the Book of Mormon is true, then the angel Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith and showed him where the golden plates were deposited. If the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith was a prophet of God who translated the Book of Mormon, and Thomas S. Monson is a prophet today. If the Book of Mormon is true then the Aaronic Priesthood was restored by John the Baptist and the Melchizedek Priesthood was restored by Peter, James and John. Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdrey were ordained to both Priesthoods. If the Book of Mormon is true, then the sealing power of the Priesthood was restored by Elijah in the Kirtland temple and we have the power today that seals families together forever. If the Book of Mormon is true then the Church Of Jesus Christ and all it's principles and teachings are true. The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion. The keystone is a wedge-shaped stone in the middle of an arch, when placed during construction locks all the stones into position. Without it, the arch falls. Without the truthfulness of The Book of Mormon, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and everything we believe in does not stand.
I testify to you The Book of Mormon is true. It was translated by Joseph Smith from an ancient record shown him by the angel Moroni. What the prophets say is true, it is the most correct book upon the face of the earth today, because it was translated by Joseph Smith directly from the plates by the gift and power of God. Although the Holy Bible has very many wonderful teachings and prophecies, it has been translated several times, from different languages, by hundreds of different people, so many of the true meanings have been lost.
I also testify to the truth of what the prophets say, you can come closer to God by reading and abiding by the precepts of the Book of Mormon than any other book. But to gain a true testimony of the book, you need to read it more than once or twice. You need to make it a life-long study. When you read, you read for pleasure and enjoyment. When you study, you read to learn. The Book of Mormon is so important that it was the first thing Joseph Smith was commanded to do after his visitation from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He was given no other gift, other than the gift of translation, until it was complete. Even the church was not organized until after the translation and publication was complete.
So it should be with us, it should be the main truth we base our testimonies on, the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. It is true, so therefore, the rest of our beliefs must be true. If you read this, and haven't read the Book of Mormon, as they say in Ghana, "you are invited". I testify to you it is a book with a promise. When you read and pray with real intent, the truthfulness will be revealed to you by the power of the Holy Ghost. It does not replace the Bible, they go hand and hand because it is another Testament of Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon has many of the plain and precious truths that have been left out of the Bible. If you have already read the Book of Mormon, re-read it, ponder it in your hearts that you may know for a surety that it is true. Each one of us needs to gain and increase our own testimony that the Book of Mormon is true. Of these things I testify in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Sister Lyon:
I must first tell you that Elder Lyon bore the above testimony in Sacrament Meeting today. He bore powerful testimony from his heart, I truly felt the spirit of the Lord as he testified. I concur with the truthfulness he has shared.
I am grateful for the Book of Mormon. Many gospel truths have been clarified for me in the power of it's pages. The simplicity and clarity of the book amaze me. Every time, when studying from the pages of the Book of Mormon I learn something new, something that I need at that particular moment in time.
Many times when reading from the pages of the Book of Mormon I am brought to tears by the truth that is revealed to me on a personal level. Gratitude fills my heart to know that this book is a divine treasure saved for me, in these latter days.
I remember the powerful feeling that came upon our young family when we watched conference many years ago, when President Ezra Taft Benson was the Prophet, he spoke of the need for families to study the Book of Mormon together. All of us, including each of our young children, knew that he spoke the truth. We began to more often read from its pages as a family. We grew closer together because of that. I hope each of our children will take this as a challenge to do the same with their families now.
I gained a very deep testimony of the divinity of this book when teaching seminary. The warm assurance of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon washed over me in a way that I can never deny and will always treasure. My tattered set of scriptures from those days is a precious jewel to me.
The Savior is more real, near and dear to me because of the principles taught in the Book of Mormon. This powerful testament of Jesus Christ, His Divinity, teachings, example and great love for the children of God, touches me deeply in the pages of this treasured book. I bear this humble testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
We Know The Book of Mormon is True!
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