
We are thankful for... Families. They are the source of our greatest joys. Because our extended family is so numerous that we don't want to leave anyone out, we will just include our immediate family of children and grandchildren, although not all are shown in the photograph. The list includes: Travis, Toni, Miah, Erin and Bones (plus other pets too numerous to mention), the Nixon's; Justin, Amelia, Hudson, Sloan and Monroe, the Lyon's; Kenney, Mandy, Hailey, Olivia and Stella, the Abbott's; Jason, Heather, Madison and Mason, the Brown's, plus Aleah and Alyssa.
We are thankful for... Friends. We have made many wonderful friends here on mission and we left many just as wonderful at home. These are the Couple Missionaries (we refuse to be called Seniors) we have served with and grown to love. They are from left to right the Dalton's, Us, President and Sister Judd, the Baker's and the Barney's. The Baker's and the Barney's have completed their missions and are now home celebrating this Thanksgiving with their families, so we have made new friends with the Scoville's and the Avery's.
We love working with the Elders in Ho and have become friends with those who serve here. These are some of the missionaries we have served with in Ho: Elder Ralph, Elder Ballard, Elder Nyegonum, Elder Ikoro, Elder Anderson and Elder Wheelock.
When we first arrived here we were called to work with the Young Single Adults. They have grown to become more like family than friends. We love each and every one of them.
We are thankful for... People. It is a joy to see the young children. They are always so willing to pose for pictures and are so excited when we show them the results.
For celebrations we see as we are driving which add much interest to our travels.
God's Creations
We are thankful for...God's creations. We have the privilege of serving in a country that is very beautiful with lush, green vegetation. Everywhere we go, we marvel at what God has created for us to enjoy.
Beaches. Because we both love the beach so much we are delighted to serve in a country that has some, even though we haven't been able to visit them as much as we would like.
Roads. We are very thankful when we get to travel on paved roads.
Birds. We get to see so many pretty and unusual birds here.
Butterflies. Another beautiful creature God has created and placed in Ghana.
Flowers. For the wide variety and the beautiful flowers we see everywhere.
Small Things
We are thankful for... Indoor plumbing.
A nice soft bed to sleep on.
Church basketball courts.
Accra Temple
We are thankful for... the Accra temple. It is close enough that we can attend frequently and have been able to take many branch members to receive their own endowments for the first time. It has a very reverent and special feeling inside. All temples are special, but this one seems just a little more so because when the people enter the Celestial Room, everyone sits down to pray.
Each Other
We are thankful for... Each other. We are grateful that we have been sealed and are able to serve a mission together at this time in our lives. We are so grateful for those who have provided a way for us to do so. We are filled with gratitude to our Heavenly Father who has provided a way for us to be together forever.
Jesus Christ
We are thankful for... Our Savior Jesus Christ. For without him, nothing would be possible. We owe Him everything. We should all love Him with all our "might, mind and strength", be willing to serve Him and try to radiate his love to others. For what He did for us, we are most and will always be grateful.
Yes, We are thankful for... Families, Friends, People, God's Creations, Small Things, Accra Temple, Each Other, most importantly Jesus Christ, and as they say here "things too numerous to mention." We have learned a great lesson on gratitude. These people have so little, yet they are some of the most grateful people we have met. We who have so much and so much to be thankful for sometimes forget to express gratitude for what we do have. May we all be reminded this time of year and at all times where our blessings come from and show unto our Heavenly Father the gratitude we feel by following His Son and obeying His commandments.
LOVE this post! What an amazing reminder! I want that little girl sleeping on the wood. What a doll! Absolutely love reading your posts! XOXO!