Sunday, April 15, 2012

Signs Of Spring

 From the dreaded Harmattan, to the welcomed green of the rainy season.

Lambs new, fresh and white, before they start to take on the color of the soil.

 Another mother of a different color, looking out for her young.

 Goats so new they still have their umbilical cords.

 We're even surprised by kittens.  We don't see them very often.

 A unique way for a mother hen to protect her chicks. 

 A mother Mona monkey carries her young one in front.  She was a little leery about coming to get a banana, must have put the safety of her little one above her hunger.

 As in all births, it has to start somewhere.  This nest shows where a lizard carefully dug a hole and laid the eggs.  This nest was discovered by our pear (avocado) tree.

 A new little one about a week old.
 This shows the size of the "very" little one.  She weighed 1.6 kgs which is a little over 3.5 lbs.  The baby is doing very well.  She is the daughter of Gabriel and Faustina and they want us to name her.  We gave them the name of Angelica because she is such a little angel.

 This is baby Mosiah who weighs in at 3.5 kgs or about 8 lbs.  They have a tradition here that they don't name the baby or bring it outside until 1 week old.  They have a party to celebrate that occasion which can be quite expensive, which this family chose not to do.  They just did it the old fashioned LDS way, they brought the boy to church when he was old enough and gave him a name and wonderful blessing.  An interesting side note, Mosiah has an older brother named Nephi.

A newly wed couple as they practice holding someone else's baby, maybe they're getting ready for one of their own someday.

 Sister Avornyo holding her new grandson.

 Loved the traditional look of the grandmother as she holds her new born grandchild.

 Women here carry their babies in the front for the first 9 months, then get to carry them on their backs for the next few years.  I guess that's the way to even things out.

 They do all kinds of things with their babies on their backs from sweeping,
 to laundry,
 or just socializing. 

This couple started their new life as husband and wife this spring.  It's a new beginning for them and they later were sealed in the temple on April 14th.  That is allowed in Ghana because the government  does not recognize a temple marriage as being legal, so they have to do a legal or traditional marriage first.  The parents are dressed in the traditional African wedding style.  The man in the blue also shows by the way he is wearing his cloth, he is a chief of a certain order or clan.

Yes, spring has arrived, even here where the seasons only change from dry to wet and back again.  The sun rises and sets the same time every day, but we can see the changes.  There are changes in the landscape, changes brought about by the birth of new animals, but especially changes in the people.  They seem to be happier and more cheerful than during the dry season.  This is a time of renewal, and it comes at the same time we celebrate the Easter Season.  Our Savior died and was resurrected so that we too may live again and be renewed.  We will forever be grateful for His Atoning Sacrifice that made all of this possible. 
 These are the signs that Spring has officially arrived.

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